Roadways, driveways, and parking lots are very important parts of our overall infrastructure. As these are used by many cars, trucks, pedestrians, and other vehicles daily, you will want to ensure your roadways and other surfaces are both durable and in good condition. One type of material that you can use for the development or repair of these surfaces is tar and chip paving. There are various benefits and costs associated with tar and chip paving that you should be aware of.
One of the reasons people continue to choose tar and chip paving for their projects is that it is quite durable. When tar and chip paving is installed and maintained properly, it can last for a very long time. The tar and chip paving surface is designed to withstand heavy vehicles, bad weather, and constant use. This can help ensure you continue to have a quality surface for a long time.
Improved Traction
As trucks and other vehicles will drive at very high speeds, you will want to be assured that they have as much traction and support as possible. The tar and chip paving surface is a great option as it tends to offer the improved traction that is necessary. This can be ideal, particularly in situations when it is raining or snowing and there are a lot of elevation changes or tight turns.
Easier Maintenance or Repairs
While tar and chip paving is durable, there is going to be a time when you need to have it repaired and improved. When receiving tar and chip paving in Hatboro, PA, you will find that the process of repairing it is much easier and quicker than other options. This can help to save some money and ensure there is limited downtime for repairs.
More Affordable
An added benefit that many people enjoy when it comes to tar and chip paving is that it can be more affordable. While any type of roadway or driveway improvement will require a capital investment, tar and chip paving can be more affordable than other options. Further, ongoing maintenance and repairs can be more affordable as well.
When it comes to tar and chip paving, the total cost will vary based on a wide range of factors. Some of the factors that can influence the final cost of your project include the following:
- Surface area – As would be expected, the size of the area that requires the tar and chip paving will directly impact the final cost. Larger projects may receive a bulk discount in some cases.
- Thickness of surface – When you have a tar and chip paving system installed, you will need to determine how thick you need it to be. In general, the thicker the system, the more it will cost.
- Materials and labor costs – One of the cost factors that can influence the price of your tar and chip paving project is the material and labor costs. These can be harder to predict as they are based on market conditions at the time, but they tend to have a major impact on overall costs.
Keep in mind that the smaller your driveway surface area is, the less cost-effective tar & chip paving becomes. Often, the cost of bringing all equipment and materials to the project site outweighs the cost of the driveway itself.
Contact Local Paving & Concrete
When in need of roadway, parking lot, or driveway paving in Willow Grove, PA, it is important to work with a contractor that is experienced and that you can trust. Give us a call today to discuss your project needs and to schedule a full consultation and project cost estimate!